
Cars For Hope
For the past 10 years across Australia, passionate automotive enthusiasts have come together each month at End Of Month Meets to share their passion. It’s a passion that brings us together: different cars and different people from all kinds of different backgrounds. However for February’s EOMM at Sydney Dragway, things were a little different. We...
It was pretty cool to wake up this morning and read an article from Car Throttle based on #THEORANGEEFFECT EOMM for Self Injury Awareness Day. It’s titled: “Here’s Why Australian Car Culture Is Probably The Best In The World Right Now” These few lines really resonated with us and if you were there on the...
Story of Cars For Hope Honda Integra Type R
Cars For Hope began as a way to tell the story of our friend, Annabel. It was our way to remind her that she matters and we love her. She was growing up and starting to figure out how our world works, how our world thinks, and what our world thinks is important. For a...
Visiting Lane Cove National Park is somewhat an annual tradition for ClubITR, and this year was no different. Last weekend we once again teamed up with ClubITR to host their Annual BBQ for 2014, and were joined by loads of cool Hondas and their owners in attendance. Temperatures for the day were approaching 40°C, a...
Heasman S14
At Cars For Hope we believe that community is everything. Sharing stories, giving hope and letting people know that they matter is a massive part of our cause. At World Time Attack Challenge 2014, we teamed up with competing racing teams to raise awareness about mental health. By helping us spread our message, these teams...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 27 There are so many blogs and stories out there of people suffering through depression and suicidal thoughts. So many stories I’ve read and terrified myself with how much I can relate to, scrolled through comments and thought to myself, “Okay – so I’m not the only one.” But where...
Dear Annabel
I remember the day my phone rang. I was on the train on my way home from university. I had received a few messages from my friend Annabel. But there was one message from her that really stood out. The way I see it is everyone is asking me to push through all of this...
Story Submission by Kimmie, Age 18 I used to wake up every morning and wonder if there was any point in getting out of bed and starting the day I had ahead of me. I avoided social situations and had self-image issues. I was scared of everything and didn’t want to live my life anymore....
Story Submission by Tracey, Age 25 I’ve suffered depression since I was 15. From my diagnosis until I was 18 years old, I did everything I possibly could to ease my emotional pain. I found that causing physical pain to myself gave me a release, albeit only very little. I fell in love when I...
Story Submission by Mark, Age 23 I never thought it would happen to me; the world we live in makes us think that depression and anxiety are terrible things, but you never really stop to think about how often it happens or how serious it really is. On the surface I was friendly and outgoing,...
Story Submission by Wayne, Age 52 The thing that saddens me about doing this is reading through the previous submissions and seeing the age of the people; all under 30 years old. But the best thing about reading them is that they’re still here to write about it. I’m Wayne, I’m 52 years old and...
Aleks is a recent IT graduate from Queensland University of Technology who is now testing the waters in the industry. Throughout his journey in finding the strongest version of himself he has managed to find satisfaction in an array of hobbies from programming to experimenting with music. Although his car modifying and racing prowess has...
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