
If you joined us at our #THEORANGEEFFECT EOMM earlier in the year, you might remember hearing the distinct sound of revving motorbikes. But motorbikes they were not. Instead, they were deceptively small single-seater open wheeler creations known as Formula SAE. Don’t know what Formula SAE is? Here’s a short introduction to the international competition from...
Heasman S14
At Cars For Hope we believe that community is everything. Sharing stories, giving hope and letting people know that they matter is a massive part of our cause. At World Time Attack Challenge 2014, we teamed up with competing racing teams to raise awareness about mental health. By helping us spread our message, these teams...
Feeling alone in a battle against depression is something we want no one to ever have to experience. So to remind those in need we want to create an album of photographs to remind them that their life matters and to show the love we have for them. We ask that those who wear our...