
Mental Illness
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 24 I have always loved cars, but I didn’t appreciate the freedom of losing myself in driving until I got my license at 18. My dad bought me a little hatch and I have to admit I flogged it until I finally replaced it after 6 years and 200-something-thousand kilometres...
Story Submission by Ross, Age 19 In early 2012 I went to Brisbane to stay with my brother for a month, as something of a holiday over the Christmas period. A few days before we left home, I had started noticing bouts of shortness of breath and an impending feeling, but I couldn’t quite explain...
Story Submission by Kimmie, Age 18 I used to wake up every morning and wonder if there was any point in getting out of bed and starting the day I had ahead of me. I avoided social situations and had self-image issues. I was scared of everything and didn’t want to live my life anymore....
Story Submission by Tracey, Age 25 I’ve suffered depression since I was 15. From my diagnosis until I was 18 years old, I did everything I possibly could to ease my emotional pain. I found that causing physical pain to myself gave me a release, albeit only very little. I fell in love when I...
Story Submission by Mark, Age 23 I never thought it would happen to me; the world we live in makes us think that depression and anxiety are terrible things, but you never really stop to think about how often it happens or how serious it really is. On the surface I was friendly and outgoing,...
Story Submission by Wayne, Age 52 The thing that saddens me about doing this is reading through the previous submissions and seeing the age of the people; all under 30 years old. But the best thing about reading them is that they’re still here to write about it. I’m Wayne, I’m 52 years old and...