
Story Submission by Tracey, Age 25 I’ve suffered depression since I was 15. From my diagnosis until I was 18 years old, I did everything I possibly could to ease my emotional pain. I found that causing physical pain to myself gave me a release, albeit only very little. I fell in love when I...
Story Submission by Mark, Age 23 I never thought it would happen to me; the world we live in makes us think that depression and anxiety are terrible things, but you never really stop to think about how often it happens or how serious it really is. On the surface I was friendly and outgoing,...
Almost 20 years ago, writer Andrew Solomon fell into a deep depression. In this TED talk, he speaks eloquently and openly about his struggle with “the family secret we all share,” but that no one wants to talk about. If you are a human or know a human, you have to watch this talk. “The opposite...
I have our song playing at the moment, Sarah McLaughlin – Angel. I remember it like yesterday, watching you sleep in bed, next to the window with the very soft Autumn Sun brushing your cheek with the silhouette of my white lace curtains. There’s something terribly haunting about this song, and it seemed only appropriate...