Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 19
So a few months ago, I lost somebody very close to me. Since then, my world had begun to fall apart, and I lost all sense of hope for myself. Frankly, I did not understand the world and my reason for being, and I was ready to give up on everything. It was a battle, truly. A battle that I did not think I would overcome, but suprisingly I did, and I am still yet to know how. One thing that I am thankful for, through this whole experience that I’ve endured, is how much people care. People that I had only heard about through others, people who were affected by the same trauma I had, were suddenly reaching out to me and we were all moving along together.
To this day it still hurts, and those dark thoughts that used to frighten me still somehow seep up through the cracks, but I’m soldiering on. It’s all I can do I guess. Without causing more pain in the world.