
Story Submission – Anonymous, Age 26. To be honest, I think this is the first time in over 3 years I’ve admitted that I have depression. I’ve felt like I was on edge, always angry with people that hadn’t done anything. 4 years ago I got news that I had a chronic pain of the...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 15 I’ve been sitting here for a while now, trying to figure out how to put my story and my past into words. It troubles me that the English language, with all the words in the dictionary, there isn’t even one that can describe how I feel, how I felt,...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 27 It all began a couple of years ago when my girlfriend decieded she didn’t want to be my girlfriend anymore. After that I started to lose contact with most of my family and friends. It’s getting worse every year, losing more friends. One after one. I have had some...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 20 My story is fairly long, so long story short, almost as soon I was able to walk I noticed my mother’s resentment and what not against me. I did not really understand why, but as I grew older at around age 7 I was physically and verbally abused. From...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 20 My depression was not as serious as others but it did create a slight dark dent in my life. Right now I’m a happy person but a few years back I felt like I was lonely and no one cared about me. I had no reason to feel that...
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 19 So a few months ago, I lost somebody very close to me. Since then, my world had begun to fall apart, and I lost all sense of hope for myself. Frankly, I did not understand the world and my reason for being, and I was ready to give up...
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