Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 21 People don’t know my pain, what I’ve been through, or the reasons why I act the way I do. Each day is a struggle, even small things like chores. I just have no energy. The world is dull. Even with all these seemingly obvious signs, people will judge. They...
Story Submission by Jay, Age 21 I had suffered from depression for a few years. High school was my toughest years, I always felt like everything was my fault and if I got out of the picture everything would be better. I had thought about many ways to commit suicide but without realising I had...
Story Submission by Alex, Age 21 When I was 13 I first started to get mild depression, I didn’t think too much of it just a ‘teenage thing’. I got to about 15 and it was still around but was getting worse, by about 16 it got to the point where I just started to...