Story Submission by Austin, Age 17 I’ve battled with depression on and off throughout my life. One and a half years ago I met my good friend Euan, who I’ve never gotten to meet in person due to us living countries apart. Euan has also battled with depression for his whole life, but much more...
Story Submission by Sean, Age 17 I have a friend who I’ve known now for 5 years. We are both the same age, seventeen. She had been my best friend ever since we met. But about a year ago I found out she had been diagnosed with a type of depression called Dysthymia. When I...
Story Submission by Keez, Age 17 I’ve suffered from depression for 5 years, ever since I developed a skin condition called Psoriasis. I use to have to go to school wearing a jacket, long pants, and have a fringe just so it wasn’t to noticeable, even through summer. I never could go out with my...
Story Submission by Andrew, Age 17 I began to notice my depression in the middle of Year 11. I was 16 and had fallen out with the majority of the friends I once went to for support due to my non-acceptance of their somewhat abusive uses of alcohol, drugs and just general partying where I’d...