The following content may contain information about depression, anxiety, self-harm and/or other related material which may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised.
Story Submission by Anonymous, Age 24
I never knew what Cars For Hope was until today. I’d seen the sticker float around at car meets and the occasional pop-ups on Facebook.
As a long time sufferer of depression and an absolute car nut, I found my peace in cars; they centre me, they are my life and when I feel like I’ve got nothing left, my car is always there to remind me of my accomplishments. Every time I turn the key it is a reminder that I spent months getting myself out of bed, defying the urge to hide under the covers and to go out and build a dream. It is a reminder that I, with a lot of help and stronger hands, accomplished something that I’ve wanted for 10 years: a car built the way I want it. The type of car that when it hits boost, nothing else in that moment can touch you; no other emotions can enter that time, but pride and accomplishment. I used to be ashamed of my passion, but all along the passion was my saviour. It was who I am.
I still have uphill battles most days, which I am trying to manage with help. To anyone reading this, you are not alone.
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm or addiction, please reach out. Call 13 11 14 for Lifeline’s 24hr Telephone Crisis Support or contact a mental health professional. If you are looking for other mental health resources, browse our Find Help page.
If a life is in danger call 000 immediately.