
Story Submission by Josh, Age 21

When I was little kid I got a skateboard, fashioned an ice-cream container in to a boot, used a cushion for a seat and my feet as the motor, and that was my first car. I would drive it everywhere from the bathroom to the bedroom. I wouldn’t go anywhere, any other way when I was at home.

I have always, and will always love cars. Not for their shape, not for their reputation, but for what they can do for a person.

As I sit down and look back at my relatively short life I think about what I’ve achieved and how much I could have, if it wasn’t for cars.

I dropped out of school, studied to become a mechanic and built my own 4WD. That 4WD got me a job for one of the largest off-road publications on the shelves, that got me the experience for a management position in another media company, which got me skilled-up enough to move to yet another media company, where I feel confident, strong and capable. Three very necessary traits to survive a day in the life of me.

To me, cars are powerful, we all know that. But even cars that can’t run, projects, rolling chassis with no motors: they are just as powerful. Because they’re hope. Because keeping them alive, keeps you alive. While you build them up to their former glory, to be all that they can be – they are doing the exact same thing for you.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm or addiction, please reach out. Call 13 11 14 for Lifeline’s 24hr Telephone Crisis Support or contact a mental health professional. If you are looking for other mental health resources, browse our Find Help page.

If a life is in danger call 000 immediately.

Stories written by members of the Cars For Hope community. Find out how you can submit your story today.

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3 Responses
  1. Trish

    A great rendition of life, love of cars and expresses how passion can create hope and energy into something that could have been dumped. I love this Josh and I believe so much, that the more of us who persue passion in our lives, makes the world a happier and healthy world!

  2. Tanisha

    “To me, cars are powerful, we all know that. But even cars that can’t run, projects, rolling chassis with no motors: they are just as powerful. Because they’re hope. Because keeping them alive, keeps you alive. While you build them up to their former glory, to be all that they can be – they are doing the exact same thing for you.”

    This was the most realest thing I’ve heard in a while. Im 22 and From all the haters giving me shit daily this is exactly what i needed to remind me why i build. So thankyou so very much josh.

  3. Anonymous

    I know you from when you were writing in your old days, no idea where u are now. But I should tell you… when you wrote this years ago. It stopped me hanging myself I looked in to my driveway and saw potential and hope. U saved my life. My kids n my partner thank you Josh. You gave my kids a dad and u gave me hope.

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