The following content may contain information about depression, anxiety, self-harm and/or other related material which may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised.

Story Submission by Dave, Age 21

I’ve always had bouts of my depression. People say they understand, and some do, but it’s those times when I wake up and fall asleep depressed that really gets to me. My mum understood, but she passed away pretty suddenly back in May. I saw her less than a week before she passed. My girlfriend is a great support, but I feel like there are times she doesn’t want to hear it, whether that’s how she really feels or if it’s just my mind playing tricks on me. I’m sure it’s more the latter, but sometimes I wonder.

The past few months have been eating me alive almost to the point that an evening cruise or a ride through the mountain pass can’t shake the feeling, even though I drive a car I’ve wanted ever since I was young.

If I had known she was going to pass away so soon, things would have been quite different between us in the months leading up to her passing. We had a falling out, and even though we were on the mend things weren’t where they should have been. I let that guilt eat at me every fucking day and I can’t understand or explain why.

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, anxiety, self-harm or addiction, please reach out. Call 13 11 14 for Lifeline’s 24hr Telephone Crisis Support or contact a mental health professional. If you are looking for other mental health resources, browse our Find Help page.

If a life is in danger call 000 immediately.

Stories written by members of the Cars For Hope community. Find out how you can submit your story today.

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