
Age 30
The following content may contain information about mental health and/or other related material which may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised. Story Submission by Aaron, Age 30 As a teenager I was never happy. These unhappy feelings started fairly young, with my mum constantly asking why I always walked around looking at the ground. I...
The following content may contain information about depression, anxiety, self-harm and/or other related material which may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised. Story Submission by Tim, Age 30 Growing up I always thought there was something wrong with me. I would always ask my parents if there was something wrong with me; if I was...
The following content may contain information about depression, anxiety, self-harm and/or other related material which may be triggering. Reader discretion is advised. Story Submission by Alan, Age 30 I’ve always had a negative outlook on life, and when I hit my teens the struggles people have with self and their place in the world pushed...